North Coast NSW Human Research Ethics Committee
Last updated: 04/03/2025
The North Coast NSW Human Research Ethics Committee (NCNSW HREC) provides scientific and ethical review of human research ethics applications for research that takes place at:
- any institutions governed by Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNC LHD) and/or Northern New South Wales Local Health District (NNSW LHD); and/or
- external institutions/organisations and/or for research that is undertaken by independent researchers within the geographical boundaries of MNC and NNSW LHDs as approved by a HREC Co-Chairperson (referred to as 'external entities').
HREC Membership
The NCNSW HREC is registered with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The NCNSW HREC is constituted and operates in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) incorporating all updates by the NHMRC, Australian Research Council and Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee.
In accordance with the NCNSW HREC Terms of Reference the NCNSW HREC has an Executive Committee with membership comprised of the following positions:
- Director of Research, NNSWLHD
- Director of Research & Knowledge Translation, MNCLHD
- Research Governance Officer, MNCLHD
- Research Ethics and Governance Officer, NNSWLHD (Executive Officer to the NCNSW HREC)
- NCNSW HREC Chairperson or Delegate.
The current NCNSW HREC membership is:
Associate Professor Kazi Rahman | Chairperson |
Dr Alexandre Stephens | Deputy Chairperson |
Dr Nicola Jayne | Community Representative |
Maria Kelly | Community Representative |
Rev Simon Reeve | Pastoral Role |
Ashley Handy | Knowledge/Experience of Professional Care |
Wesley Matthews | Knowledge/Experience of Professional Care |
Robin Auld | Research Experience |
Associate Professor Christopher Williams | Research Experience |
Dr Emma Schofield | Research Experience |
Dr Avigdor Zask | Research Experience |
Dr Amal Chakraborty | Research Experience |
Dr Mohammad (Khoka) Hamiduzzaman | Research Experience |
Anders Girle | Qualified Lawyer |
Contact: Rebecca Lavery, Executive Officer to the North Coast NSW Human Research Ethics Committee.
Further information:
- Meeting schedule and submission deadlines
- NCNSW HREC Terms of Reference
- NSW Health research ethics and governance policies
- Research Ethics and Governance contact details