Tina Spence started nursing training more than 40 years ago, and today she still turns up to work with a smile on her face and no regrets about her choice of profession.
Now a Clinical Nurse Specialist at The Tweed Hospital Paediatric Ward, Tina has worked at Tweed for more than 32 years, almost since the very first day the new ward was opened in 1987.
“I am very lucky to work on a ward I love and enjoy, and I have great colleagues who I can also call my friends,” Tina said.
Tina says her nursing story became even more special when all three of her daughters followed her in her footsteps, all taking up nursing and even going on to work at The Tweed Hospital.
“To say I am proud is an understatement.
“To think myself and my three daughters have all been employed at The Tweed Hospital is such a great accomplishment.”
Tina admits when she was first offered a job in the Paediatric Ward it was intimidating, having never worked with so many children.
Thanks to the supportive environment, Tina excelled in her position and went on to complete a Graduate Certificate in Paediatrics, among other qualifications. She now specializes in the field and has also run several rural paediatric seminars.
“I think you’ve just got to give things a go, that’s how I found what I loved doing,” Tina said.
“I have been on the same ward for more than 30 years with not a single day of regret.”
Tina’s daughter Kendyl has also found the same satisfaction following in her mother’s footsteps.
“I already love being a nurse and will be incredibly lucky to find a specialty that I love as much as my mum loves Paediatrics,” Kendyl said.
Daughter Alana also fondly recalls her time at The Tweed Hospital.
“My favourite working memory is at The Tweed Hospital, working at the same time as my mum, and being recognised as her daughter by all the staff we had grown up around,” Alana said.
Tina’s story is one of many nursing and midwifery stories the Northern NSW Local Health District will be sharing throughout 2020 as we celebrate the World Health Organization’s International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.