In an emergency, always call triple zero (000) for an ambulance. Ambulances are the safest way to be assessed, treated and transported to the right hospital for the care you need.

Triple zero (000) is a free call from any phone, mobile or phone box.

For less severe but still urgent situations, go to an Emergency Department.

There are 12 public hospital Emergency Departments in Northern NSW Local Health District and they are all available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Emergency departments are located at:

Cases in Northern NSW Local Health District residents
Published: 28 Oct 2020

The number of cases of COVID-19 among residents of the Northern NSW Local Health District has risen by one, bringing the total to 59.

The latest Northern NSW case was reported in the state-wide tally for 23 October, and is a Tweed Shire resident who acquired their infection overseas and had recently returned to Australia. This person is currently in hotel quarantine in Sydney.

The person will be released from isolation once health staff confirm that it is safe to do so.

There have been no new confirmed cases of NSW-acquired COVID-19 reported in NNSWLHD residents since 25 July.

NNSWLHD cases by likely source of infection:


Overseas or interstate acquired

Locally acquired – contact of a confirmed case or in a known cluster

Locally acquired – source not identified

Under investigation


Testing continues

 Across the Northern NSW Local Health District, more than 75,000 tests have now been conducted since the pandemic began.

Testing remains one of the most important tools for finding and controlling the virus, even while case numbers are low in NSW.

We strongly urge people to come forward for testing with even the mildest of symptoms, like a runny nose or scratchy throat, cough, fever or other symptoms that could be COVID-19.

Get tested on the day you get symptoms – don’t wait to see if they go away. Assume it’s COVID-19 until proven otherwise by a test, and remember there is no limit on how many tests you can have.

Testing is quick, free, and easy, and most people receive their test result within 24 hours.

To help stop the spread of COVID-19:

  • If you are unwell, get tested and isolate right away – don’t Remain isolated until you receive your test result.
  • Wash your hands regularly. Take hand sanitiser with you when you go
  • Keep your distance. Leave 1.5 metres between yourself and
  • Wear a mask when using public transport, rideshares and taxis, and in shops, places of worship and other places where you can’t physically distance. When taking taxis or rideshares, commuters should sit in the

To find your nearest testing clinic visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/how-to- protect-yourself-and-others/clinics or contact your GP.