In an emergency, always call triple zero (000) for an ambulance. Ambulances are the safest way to be assessed, treated and transported to the right hospital for the care you need.

Triple zero (000) is a free call from any phone, mobile or phone box.

For less severe but still urgent situations, go to an Emergency Department.

There are 12 public hospital Emergency Departments in Northern NSW Local Health District and they are all available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Emergency departments are located at:

Donna retires
Published: 18 Apr 2024

After more than 40 years of service at Casino and District Memorial Hospital, allied health assistant Donna Cowdery has decided to hang up the uniform.

Last month, Casino staff celebrated Donna’s retirement at a special luncheon hosted by the Physio Department. Donna started working with the hospital in June 1983, back when the physio department was on North Street.

Described as a “quiet achiever”, Donna said she will miss the team she has worked with. “I just really enjoyed the job and the team,” Donna said.

“The people I worked with were amazing. I’m going to miss them.”

Donna credits her team to her success during her career. “They are a good team, we had good morale in the department.” 

With her well-earned retirement, Donna is hoping to be able to do a bit of travelling in her spare time.

Donna and work mates

Casino and District Memorial Hospital Physio team from left: Zac, Brodie, Line, Zac, Donna and Pamela


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