Child and Family Health Clinic
The Child and Family Health clinic is a free service to support families caring for children from birth to five years of age.
Child and Family Health Nurses provide regular developmental screening as well as information and support on breastfeeding, maternal and infant nutrition, introducing solids, growth and development, sleep and settling, parenting, immunisation, dental care, child safety and community services.
We also provide an Immunisation Clinic for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Immunisation is free of charge to infants, children, and eligible adults following NSW Health Immunisation Schedules and the guidelines provided by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
All immunisations given to children are entered on the ACIR (Australian Childhood Immunisation Register).
Bookings are essential. Please phone reception to make an appointment.
Access criteria:
- Children aged 6 weeks – 5 years
- Referrals can be received from GP, Pre-schools, self or family and carers.
Location: 10B Elizabeth Street, Pottsville, 2489
- Child and Family Health Clinics held by appointment only, Mondays 8.30am -5.00pm
- Immunisation Clinics held on second Thursday of the month.
Contact: Phone: (02) 6670 4900; fax: (02) 6676 4256